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Robert Indiana, LOVE (red blue green) installed at Yorkshire Sculpture Park, 2022

Robert Indiana’s LOVE sculpture, created in 1970, is the best known artwork in the world, it has appeared in both authorised and unauthorised forms: on T-shirts, skateboards and postage stamps. In 1970, as America intensified its campaign in Vietnam, LOVE was adopted by the anti-war movement. And LOVE was used by post-Stonewall gay liberationists and was translated to AMOR, אהבה, AIDS and even HOPE (a fundraiser for Barack Obama). There are almost 50 of the actual LOVE sculptures worldwide (19 are in the United States). Each sculpture is a different dimension so each is a unique artwork, not a copy. A twelve-foot high red LOVE sculpture is the first artwork you’re greeted with when arriving at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park , as part of a new exhibition Robert Indiana: Sculpture 1958–2018, which runs until 8 January 2023. LOVE is usually shown in an urban context but the contrast of the red letters against the blue sky and green grass of the rolling hills of the glorious sculpture park is wonderful.


Robert Indiana, LOVE Wall, 1966-2006, installation view at Yorkshire Sculpture Park, 2022

Robert Indiana, LOVE Wall, 1966-2006, installation view at Yorkshire Sculpture Park, 2022. Photo: © Jonty Wilde, courtesy of Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Artwork: © 2022 Morgan Art Foundation Ltd./ Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/DACS, London